Research Methodology & Publication Support Mentor

About the assignment

  • Country
  • Assignment type
    Remote Volunteering
  • Partner Organisation
    Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) - Ilmu pengetauan sosial dan Humaniora
  • Duration
    6 months
  • Proposed start date
    05 August 2024
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Closes 30 July 2024

We’re looking for a Research Methodology and Publication Support Mentor who can volunteer remotely from home for 6 months. 

  • This assignment seeks to in supporting researchers by offering guidance and training in both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
  • To be considered for this role, you’ll need over 10 years experience in review successive drafts of scientific manuscripts 
  • You will be working alongside with the Researcher within the organisation.

About the Partner Organisation 

Research Center for Education is one of the research centres under the coordination of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, BRIN. The research centre was just newly established (one year), a home for researchers focusing on educational aspects. Currently, Research Center for Education is supported by 78 professors and senior and junior researchers. Based on the academic levels, we have 17 doctors, 41 master's, and 14 bachelor's degrees. By research categories, there are 11 foremost research experts, 18 intermediate research experts, 11 junior research experts, 16 first research experts, four central expert engineers, 14 intermediate expert engineers and two young expert engineers. Being a part of a research institution that is intended to develop globally, our researchers will be directed to produce and participate in the global scientific environments, including disseminating and engaging their research works in global journals, international book publications and other platforms such as intellectual property rights and patents and global forums. Hence, all efforts are directed at creating and supporting improvement for the researchers, particularly in English writing, publication and skills.

About the Australian Volunteers Program  

The Australian Volunteers Program is an Australian government-funded initiative. We support partner organisations across the Pacific, Asia, and Africa to achieve locally led change.  

Volunteers are supported throughout their volunteer journey, and we actively support and encourage people of all backgrounds and abilities to volunteer and aim to make the program as accessible and inclusive as possible. Find out more. 


AUD$79 per month.

Find out more about remote allowances.


  • All applicants must be Australian citizens or holders of Permanent Residency Visa of Australia, or New Zealand residents in Australia with a Special Category Visa (SCV). 
  • A National Police Check must be completed during the application process.  
  • A Psychological Test is required for all volunteer assignments.  

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