Impact Fund small grants

Small grants to support our partners with their vital work.

Three people are sitting at a desk in an office, laptops, cups of tea, and maps are visible. They are all smiling at the cameara.

Small grants can make a big difference. 

The Impact Fund offers grants of up to AUD$10,000 to partner organisations of the Australian Volunteers Program.

Impact Fund round 9 is currently open for invited partner organisations only. This round is invite-only to reflect the limited budget available and recognise that grant applications are a time and resource intensive process for partner organisations. We will be in contact about future grant opportunities.

The Impact Fund aims to:

  • Strengthen and support partner oganisations’ capacity to identify community needs and deliver their services in response to those needs
  • Draw on practical support from volunteers assigned to partner organisations to help deliver Impact Fund-funded projects
  • Strengthen links between partner organisations and the program’s professional networks and communities.

Enjoy our grant-writing series

In this animated series, we hope to empower you to write great grants. These videos are the perfect starting point for developing a grant application. Please enjoy the videos - also available with Indonesian, Tetum and Vietnamese subtitles. We hope that they may encourage you to submit a grant application to the Impact Fund very soon!

Explore successful applications

We've supported over 200 partner organisations to deliver over 300 projects in support of local communities in 25 countries across Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Explore a selection of successful Impact Fund applications.

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Two women in traditional Bhutanese attire carefully pluck leaves from a tree, they are smiling and mid-conversation.