Our visual identity
We worked alongside artist Penny Evans to create the artwork for Indigenous Pathways.

Penny Evans is a visual artist based in the Northern Rivers region of NSW. She produces unique ceramic pieces, works on paper and mixed media objects that reference her Gamilaraay / Gomeroi cultural heritage.
Indigenous Pathways worked with Penny Evans to license one of her ceramic pieces for use. Flooding Rivers was chosen to represent Indigenous Pathways under the Australian Volunteers Program.
Flooding Rivers was chosen to represent Indigenous Pathways as the representation of a river: a reminder that the actions taken at one end of a river have a flow on effect at the other end. For Indigenous Pathways this illustrates the importance of providing appropriate and flexible support to Indigenous volunteers at all stages, as throughout their journey, they will flow on to work with and support partner organisations and local communities overseas.
When rivers flood, it can be a chance for rivers to redefine their path, sometimes remaining close to the original path, and other times, branching out. This is fitting, as volunteers going on assignment will have the chance to build on their existing strengths, but also expand into new opportunities.