The Australian Volunteers Program makes a significant investment in monitoring and evaluation activities with a strong focus on learning and accountability. Evidence is generated and reflected on by a range of program stakeholders. We seek feedback and learn from our partners, with learnings identified for the benefit of improving program performance.
Below is a selection of research and evaluation activities completed by the program. We are proud to share our knowledge with partners and the Australian public. We also share this knowledge with other international volunteering organisations to contribute to the global dialogue on the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of skilled global volunteering
Locally-led development research
How effective is the program's Impact Fund? [2023]
Partnerships, power, and supporting locally-led change (Research summary) [2023]
Evaluating the human rights impact area in South Africa [2021]
A journey towards inclusive economic growth in Indonesia [2021]
How did the Australian Volunteers Program respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? [2021]
A formative evaluation of the Australian Volunteers Program's thematic 'Impact Areas' [2019]
Diversity and inclusion research
LGBT persons (Research Summary) [2022]
Documenting Australian Volunteers' contribution advancing gender equality (Research Summary) [2021]
Indigenous Pathways program (Research Summary) [2020]
Volunteering research
What is the value of volunteering in Vanuatu? [2024]
A longitudinal study of Australian volunteers - Phase 4 summary [2024]
A longitudinal study of Australian volunteers - Phase 3 summary [2022]
A longitudinal study of Australian volunteers - Phase 2 summary [2021]
A longitudinal study of Australian volunteers - Phase 1 summary [2019]
A longitudinal study of Australian volunteers - Phase 0 summary [2019]
Review of remote volunteering [2021]
Australian public opinion on international volunteering (Research Summary) [2021]
Approved Accompanying Dependants (AADS) (Research Summary) [2020]