The remote volunteering journey
An in-depth exploration of the steps involved in the remote volunteering journey.

Everything you need to do to prepare for your assignment
Pre-assignment activities for remote volunteers
Once you’ve been selected as the preferred candidate, there are several time-sensitive activities and compliance checks to complete before you can start your assignment (details will be available in your volunteer portal).
Within the portal, you'll be asked to enter personal information, like your bank details. This is used to pay allowances and reimburse any eligible expenses.
Complete pre-assignment learning
We are committed to the learning and development of our volunteers. The program provides a mandatory interactive online learning course and online workshop before you begin your assignment.
Learn more about the online workshop.
Accept your confirmation letter
Once the above steps are completed, the last step is to view your Assignment Confirmation Letter and accept the assignment via the volunteer portal.
Allowances for remote volunteering
Regular allowances are paid to you throughout your assignment
Learn more
Other things to consider at this stage
- Prepare your workstation and consider what tools you will need to keep in touch with your partner organisation.
- Have patience and flexibility as this stage can take some time.
Looking for more information
We provide a range of support services to help you make the most out of your assignment.
Learn moreFrequently Asked Questions
Browse our extensive list of FAQs covering remote and in-country volunteering and more.
Explore the FAQsVolunteer Guidebook
Get a comprehensive overview of the volunteer journey from recruitment to alumni.
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