The remote volunteering journey
An in-depth exploration of the steps involved in the remote volunteering journey.

Discover what happens on a remote assignment
Building a relationship with your partner organisation and in-country team is critical regardless of whether you're volunteering in-country or remotely.
Getting started and orientation
Your in-country team will invite you to join an online orientation program. This program may include language lessons.
Safety and security
Complete cybersecurity and working remotely checklists, which are aimed at helping keep you and your data safe online.
Monitoring, evaluation and learning
Monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) is an important part of the program. All volunteers and partner organisations are required to complete MEL activities. The following MEL forms will be completed by you and your partner organisation. The forms are completed online through your portal account.
- Prepare an initial Assignment Plan with your partner organisation to outline objectives and activities.
- Conduct an End of Assignment Evaluation at the end of your assignment.
Learning and support
Access information and online resources as well as a learning hub for additional learning and collaboration opportunities. You will also have access to up to $AUD400 as reimbursement for language lessons undertaken to support your remote assignment.
Staying connected
Depending on the duration of your assignment, you may have the opportunity to participate in:
- Catch-ups hosted by your in-country team
- Webinars
- Communities of Practice discussion forums
These are professional and personal development opportunities as well as a chance to network with other volunteers and partner organisations.
Travel and leave
You are not required to request leave from your partner organisation. However, you must communicate to your partner organisation if and when you choose to take leave, or when you will be unavailable for your assignment. For breaks of more than a week, notify the country office.
Making a difference, from a distance
Hear from Kasey, a water, sanitation and hygiene volunteer, as she discusses what she achieved during her remote volunteer assignment.

Looking for more information
We provide a range of support services to help you make the most out of your assignment.
Learn moreFrequently Asked Questions
Browse our extensive list of FAQs covering remote and in-country volunteering and more.
Explore the FAQsVolunteer Guidebook
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